I am a teacher-educator and I use to write on different topics of interest. The topics can be on education, culture, youth development, ICT in Education and so on. You may visit frequently and give your feedback on my write-ups. As a teacher-educator, I have a passion for empowering teachers to make a positive impact on their students. I have extensive experience in designing and delivering professional development workshops for educators, aimed at improving their teaching practices. Thanks
Monday, March 26, 2012
Research, Publication and Reports:
Research, Publication and Reports:
1. My option for Educational Leadership and Management course during the Masters Studies (M.Ed.) at AKU-IED was motivated by my strong interest in the application of modern teaching and leading methodologies and managing educational institutions. I was in a strong favor of integration of information technology, in the field of education hence, my final thesis as an M.Ed. student is also on the same line which is ‘exploring head and deputy head teachers’ attitude towards using computers in education’.
a. An extracted article of this research has published in the International Journal of Information Communication and Technology Education (IJICTE) in Issue #30 (Vol 8 Nr 2 - March 2012). http://www.igi-global.com/article/exploring-head-deputy-headteachers-attitude/65575
2. A research article as a co-author/researcher has been published in International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 16; September 2011. http://www.ijbssnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_16_September_2011/15.pdf
3. I have been given the assignment as the coordinator of different sessions, all the reporting has been done, however a special report, which I want to mention is the WSIP 2009-10 Report which has been kept in PDCN Library for reference. It is an extensive and success story of WSIP intervention in a school for a whole academic year. Based on this experiences;
a. To guide the newly conceived project PDTs (Professional Development Teachers) of EDIP through AusAid, a guide book/handbook ‘WSIP Handbook’ was prepared. It is on the display at AKU-PDCN Library now.
b. A detailed article published in Weekly Waadi of Gilgit Baltistan which was an extract of the field experience during the Whole School Improvement Program initiated by Professional Development Centre North (PDCN) in the year 2009 – 2010. http://dailyk2.com/index.php?pid=4&eid=1&nid=3&tnid=1534&date=1319414400
c. An experience of Parental involvement in education was articulated in Daily Newspaper Dawn on Sunday, 11 July 2010
4. Two articles have been published in the famous online newspaper ‘Pamirtimes’ of Gilgit-Baltistan about the Drugs Abuse http://pamirtimes.net/2011/06/26/opinion-drug-abuse and World Environment Day http://pamirtimes.net/2011/06/05/opinion-reflecting-on-the-world-environment-day.
5. WSIP an exciting Educational voyage, which boosted students’ motivation towards learning. A case study of an Action Research which articulates the experiential story of one year field based whole school improvement program of Professional Development Centre North.
a. A First Step towards an effective ICT integration at school level in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan is in process which articulates the field based experience while working with the AusAid project Educational Development and Improvement Program (EDIP).
6. Innovative Services: I have been managing two online blogs http://www.dkhunza.blogspot.com and http://ww.scribd.com/dk_hunzai for the last couple of years and have been sharing my creative writings and slide presentations with the wider community on internet. Up-till to date (Jan. 23, 2012) more than 3600 visitors have visited my first blog, while more than 12,300 visitors have visited the second blog. Many visitors have subscribed my blogs and frequently visit and provide feedback.
a. These blogs are also the platforms provided to my course participants, as I encourage them to articulate their thoughts, and write book reviews etc. and with their permission, I have been publishing their work online.
b. An Edited Book of book reviews written by the course participants of CPE: Innovative pedagogies has been recently composed and placed in PDCN Library.
c. I have been preparing the innovative, motivational and analogical slides by using my IT skills for all of the sessions which I lead at PDCN. These messages have always proved to be effective for CPs learning and their motivation towards learning. Course participants always appreciate such motivational messages during the sessions in their reflections. Some of my colleagues have also adopted this strategy for their sessions too after observing me.
d. I have the expertise of using computers for last 21 years and I use this proficiency in my classes and try to integrate ICT in the educational sessions.
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