Thursday, April 7, 2022

تعلیم میں مدد اور سرمایہ کاری 

Investing in Education: Why the Future Depends on It 


Darvesh Karim, AKU-IED/PDCN

 There is a saying that “It is, the ‘thinking’ of man that grooms ignorance or illumination in a society”. If an individual fosters the sense of feelings, affection, and the universal brotherhood to others in society, then this sense causes peace and prosperity in the social order. If one sows the seeds of grudges, narrow minding, and disunity, then there will be ignorance with the consequence of destruction in society. I heard that on United Nation’s building entrance the following poetry 'Bani Adam' by Maulna Rumi in Persian is engraved, which became the motto of UN:

The inference of this poetry is: “The sons of Adam are limbs of each other, having been created of one essence. When the calamity of time affects one limb, the other limbs cannot remain at rest. If you have no sympathy for the troubles of others, you are unworthy to be called by the name of a Human”. It is also believed that this world is like a human body, while countries and societies are like the different parts of it. If there is pain somewhere in an organ the whole of the body feels pain. To get rid-off this pain the patient takes different precautions. He/she uses a prescribed medicine and food. By the virtue of acting upon the instructions of physician, the patient gets rid-off from the disease.   Likewise, if there is any disturbance and annoyance in any society this should pain the whole world, as the world has become a global village now. It has been unanimously agreed that the disturbance and disorder in a society is the result of ignorance. The lack of knowledge and information or simply being unaware of important information or facts of the world. The prescription to overcome disturbance and annoyance is educating the society.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. We all know this fact that to overcome or to cure the ignorance and poverty, societies need to equip with knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes. This can be done through investing on education and declaring an emergency in education sector especially in third world countries. SDGs 4th goal also advocates ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all. However, all the 17 goals of SDGs are interconnected and can be achieved by deliberate focus on 4th goal, which will be instrumental to reduce/end poverty & hunger, promote well-being, gender equality, sustainable management of water & sanitation, access to energy, promote economic growth, build resilient infrastructure, foster innovation and so on. For societies, education is more important because that is the only means through which they will gain knowledge of socio-economic factors, healthy living, how to free the nation from poverty, inequality and raise women for a better tomorrow.


To promote education and ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities in Gilgit-Baltistan, Aga Khan Development Network’s institutions like Aga Khan Foundation, Aga Khan University and Aga Khan Education Services have been very much instrumental to implement various educational projects in different districts of Gilgit-Baltistan for last many years. AKDN has been designing and implementing variety of activities to improve female education, community mobilization and social advocacy to bring-in the out-of-school children to schools, and to improve student retention and quality of education in the marginalized communities through improvement in schools physical and learning conditions.

Gilgit-Baltistan is famous for its natural beauty, selfless hospitality, peace, and rich cultural heritage.  It is also known as the cradle of peace and queen of beauty.  Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists visit Gilgit-Baltistan annually. To preserve and to enhance the peace, its natural beauty, and the rich culture of hospitality further, provision and access to quality education is the extreme need of the time of this region. We live in third world countries, which are currently facing corruption, poverty, hunger, poor healthcare, and educational facilities. These are only a few of the problems faced by people in developing countries. Many of these problems are caused by exclusion, fear, intimidation, broken infrastructure, and lack of money, resources, access to information, and tools. I believe that developed world is well acquainted with this situation of third world countries and they are supporting the countries in need. However, being within limited resources, Gilgit-Baltistan is doing its best in education sector, and it may become the torch bearer and a landmark to spread the message of peace and prosperity not only in Pakistan but in the whole world. To bring this dream into reality, it needs more attention and support especially in Education sector by UN agencies and other philanthropic entities of the world to help Gilgit-Baltistan scale the peak of the brilliance. Just like a slight patting of a teacher increases the motivation and fondness to learn of a student, a small contribution and support can enhance the motivation to learn and to educate the society of Gilgit-Baltistan which has a potentiality to emerge as a model society for the developing countries of the world.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Making a Difference: How Small Contributions Can Have a Big Impact During the Covid Pandemi

 A small contribution during Covid Pandemic

Darvesh Karim


During the years 2020 and 2021 due to CORONA virus, lockdown situation and disturbed educational processes prevailed throughout the years. In general, educational institutions all over the world and especially in Pakistan were closed and formal educational processes and discourses were at complete halt. Schools, colleges, universities, and the individuals working in education sector were trying their level best to get their courses online.

I have been working as a teacher educator in a reputed educational institution and affiliated with a team to implement some educational projects in the far-flung and remotest regions of Gilgit-Baltitsan. But due to Covid pandemic, all the project activities were also seized. Hence to keep ourselves connected with our project schoolteachers; we tried our level best to remain connected through social media platforms. This resulted a positive interaction and communication with the schools and teachers. As an affiliate of education, I think the stuff shared with our project schoolteachers should also be shared with the winder community via open social media platforms like YouTube, so that this material could be beneficial to the individuals interested. Hence, the stuff has been uploaded and available on the links provided below. This content includes the following videos:

1.      What is Covid?

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceThis video is an attempt to convey the message to the students about the virus, that why this virus is called covid-19 and why it is named as corona? It is a short video, but for some initial information about the Covid-19, it could be beneficial for students particularly.


2.      12 Tips for Parents

Graphical user interface, text, website

Description automatically generatedDuring lockdown, the Aga Khan Foundation released 12 tips for parents and families on how they can help their children in their current educational journey. I felt that these tips need to be made easier and accessible to parents and other family members, so that they can benefit. These are indeed outstanding tips for parents and families with school age children. These tips can also be useful even after the Covid-19 lockdown situation.


3.      15 Activities for Parents with Children

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedDuring lockdown, parents also had to worry about how to keep their children engaged at home in addition to educational activities. As parents, if we try to focus on the positive aspects of this difficult and disturbing situation instead of taking it in a negative way, we can make this situation pleasant for ourselves and for our children at home.  Keeping this notion in mind, I proposed various activities and made a video containing 15 interesting initiatives we can take with our children at home. All these activities also articulated in Urdu and published in the local newspapers. These activities are quite relevant to initiate with kids at home in normal situations too.


4.      Professional Development of Teachers

Since a lot has been done for the students at the government level and by the educational institutions after the Covid-19 lockdown, however, no special attention has been given to the professional development of teachers. Hence, I also prepared three special videos for professional development of teachers suggesting 5 tips and effective utilization of ICT devices and social media platforms.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Finally, I encourage you all to please visit these videos, share, and comment. I believe that some of the tips and tricks are still valid even after Covid-Lockdown and these activities and tips can be used in normal situation too.


February 28, 2022