Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Enhancing Quality of Teaching and Learning in Schools: A Practical Model


Darvesh Karim, AKU-IED/PDCN

With reference to my last article published on Pamir Times about “A practical model to enhance Community Involvement in Schools” which is one of the dimensions of school improvement initiatives framed by AKU-IED/PDCN through its flagship program Whole School Improvement Program (WSIP) in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan. This improvement model ensures progress in all the aspects of the schools to enhance students’ learning outcomes by focusing six dimensions i.e., Community Participation; Quality of Teaching and Learning; Leadership, Management and Administration; Curriculum Enrichment and Staff Development; Building, Accommodation and Resources; Social, Moral and Spiritual Development of Students and Health Education. The aforesaid article has already explained the dimension of ‘Community Participation’, while this article explains the Quality of Teaching and Learning in the following lines.

Improvement in quality of teaching and learning has always been the focus of whole school improvement model. Quality teaching is fundamental in the process of school improvement especially for students’ learning outcomes. It uses to be a major pillar of WSIP and during the intervention phase, it needs a major chunk of time to mould the teaching learning processes towards the desired curve. It is needed to give more time and value to improve quality of teaching and learning so that it could enhance students’ learning outcomes at present and in the years to come.

After a thorough academic audit, if a school has the following areas to improve, then it is strongly recommended to opt the suggested hereinafter activities to improve this dimension:

Keeping the above areas of improvements in mind, following ten activities and interventions are recommended to overcome the existing difficulties in school.

Lesson PlanningQuiz Competitions
ReflectionReading Skills
TimetableMental Math
Vocabulary DevelopmentCo-operative learning
Presentation/Communication SkillsCreative writing.

Lesson Planning

A lesson plan uses to be a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide his/her class instruction. The detail of the plan varies depending on the preference of the teacher and subject being covered. If teachers are assuming lesson plan as a formality not as an intellectual process or integral part of teaching and learning, then the academic leads may arrange an in-service training session, then frequently checking the lesson plans, and giving feedback may improve this situation.

A consistent classroom observation, special sessions for teachers, on the spot support in classes, face to face interactions with individual teachers and feedback, schools may achieve the objectives effectively. Following success indicators will be sufficient to verify the achievement of the set objectives:

  • Each teacher prepares at least two lesson plans every day, while all the plans have been checked and feedback given by the Academic Lead (Principal, Section In charge, Academic coordinator etc.).
  • Teachers are leading their classes in an orderly manner and finish lessons on time.
  • Teachers design SMART objectives and specific activities.
  • Teachers ask questions related to the objectives at the end and during the lesson.
  • Teachers not only provide students low cost and no cost resources but also encourage students to prepare these resources and help them conceptualize their learning.


Reflection is the process of self-examination and self-evaluation that effective educators regularly engage in to improve their professional practices. Essentially, effective educators think carefully about what is taking place in each situation; identify the options available; consider their own values as professionals and their comfort level in acting on those values and finally make conscious choices about how to act to make a difference.  In short, effective educators are reflective. They carefully examine their own and others’ practices to strengthen the quality and the effectiveness of their work.

Keeping the importance and significance of self-examination through reflective practices in education, the art of reflection to be taught and introduced to the teachers through a specially designed inhouse-session. Following should be the objectives in mind while introducing the reflective practices among teachers:

  • Personal and professional growth of teachers.
  • Improve the teaching and learning practice in school.
  • Do right things and be able to justify actions.
  • Be creative and innovative.
  • Have better relationship with colleagues as well as with students.
  • Enable teachers to analyse, discuss, evaluate, and change their practice

After the consistent observations, events, and providing opportunities to reflect on, teachers would be much developed which can be verified through observation as they can define reflection, what reflection is; can identify the purpose of reflection and discuss the importance of reflection for professional development; can discuss the steps involve in reflective process and guiding question for writing reflection. Likewise, teachers should maintain a reflective journal on daily bases to reflect on any critical incident happens in their daily life.


A school timetable is an essential document for coordinating four elements of the school: students, teachers, available classrooms, and the time slots/periods. With the consensus of school management and teachers, re-formulation of timetable by keeping a sharp eye to allocate subjects to teachers by their capacity and willingness. While formulating the timetable following objectives should be focused:

  • Equal and relevant distribution of periods among teachers.
  • Provision of sufficient time for students’ learning in classroom

Vocabulary Development

Vocabulary development is the process whereby speakers of a specific language enhance their working vocabularies with new words. This can be improved by exposure to new language information through different strategies. Exposure through writing and competitions is especially effective, for it offers a greater context by which new words may become understood. To cater this need in school for teachers as well as for students, different strategies like a special session for teachers and spelling competitions for students can be initiated. Following objectives would be the targets to achieve, while initiating different strategies for vocabulary development:

  • Develop Teachers’ vocabulary teaching techniques such as writing all contextual meanings, clues, inferring, definitions, antonyms, showing pictures etc.
  • Improve students’ reading comprehension

After such interventions, it can be evidently observed that teachers write all contextual meanings of new words on the board, give clues, and allow students to guess the meanings, teachers share definitions, antonyms of new words, show pictures and share all possible connected words to the new words.  Teachers give tasks to the students to develop vocabulary through suffixes and prefixes while students have developed the vocabulary to a greater level as teachers may conduct subject wise spelling competitions, which enable students to learn new words from their textbooks.

Presentations/Communication Skills

Effective presentation and communication is a process of transferring information from one individual to another. Communication is commonly defined as imparting or interchanging of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or discussion. In a school perspective it is very much essential to have a very clear plan to enhance the communication and presentation skills of teachers as well as students. For this purpose, a full involvement of all the teaching staff to participate in the weekly inhouse sessions is essential. Likewise, encourage teachers to involve students in their teaching and allow students to ask questions, group work then presentations and individual work presentation. While planning for this element of professional development following objectives should be kept in mind to achieve:

  • Enable students to express knowledge confidently in their own words
  • Describe any topic of their observation in simple sentences
  • Ask and respond WH questions
  • Improve students’ and teachers’ language fluency

This component of professional development should be effectively implemented in school by the teachers by their selves and by the students. The success in this element can be verified by observing that students confidently taking part in presentations and explain learning in-front of the class, students are fluent in asking questions and making arguments, students listen to questions and explain their understanding and teachers are also ready to respond and explain any topic.

Quiz Competitions

Competitions and specially quiz competitions use to be a contest between individuals or groups. It arises whenever two or more parties strive to achieve a goal. Competition has been a major factor in education. On a global scale, national education systems, intending to bring out the best students out comes and encourage competitiveness among students. Competitions also make up a large proportion of extracurricular activities in which students participate.

If it is the situation in a school that students are provided less opportunities to ask questions in pairs/groups and for presentations, and there is a lack of productive discussions, debates and competitions on critical points or concepts, then it is obvious that students are lacking clarity in concepts and speaking skills. To overcome this issue, manage subject wise Quiz Competitions on regular basis. While formulating and initiating these activities following should be the focused objectives:

  • To improve students’ content and general knowledge.
  • To improve collective competitive environment at class and school levels.
  • To improve grades.

At the end of an academic year with such initiatives, it can be confidently observed that all the set objectives are achieved and all the students as well as the teachers’ involvement in these activities are on peak. During such an intervention in a private school of Gilgit-Baltistan, a female teacher reflected that, “The competitions helped us and students to prepare for exam and most of the students attempted multiple choice questions and answered very easily. It was a great success in the exam this year”. These initiatives would enable schools to confidently say that students have the sound content and general knowledge of various concepts. School regularly arranges quiz competitions on subject and general knowledge basis, a healthy competitive environment has been created, students easily attempt multiple choice questions etc.

Reading Skill

Reading skill is the ability of acquiring the basic skills necessary for learning to read; that is, the ability to acquire meaning from print. As it has been the most common problem of all the schools that language skills are not that much focused in schools. To overcome this issue and to improve the reading skill among students as well as teachers, allocating a weekly library period and providing different books may be fruitful. Students are asked to write/brief colleagues on the book they read. After some time, it would be evident, that students developed reading habits. To verify it we can observe that students borrow books from Library on a regular basis, students predict, visualize, and interpret different events in the story, students restate the stories they have read.

Mental Math

Mental maths uses to be a guide to effective mental calculation. Calculating things in our head can be a difficult task. If we can’t remember what we’ve worked out or simply don’t know how to solve a problem, then it can be very challenging and frustrating. To enhance this skill among students as well as teachers, the introduction of Mental Math activities to achieve the objective which are to develop students’ calculation skills through mental maths will be fruitful.

Co-Operative Learning

Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a particular subject or topic. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping team-mates to learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Teachers and students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.  Cooperative efforts result in participants striving for mutual benefit so that all group members gain from each other’s efforts; recognize that all group members share a common fate (sink or swim together); know that one’s performance is mutually caused by oneself and one’s team members (we cannot do it without you); feel proud and jointly celebrate when a group member is recognized for achievement (We all congratulate you on your accomplishment!)

The introduction of different strategies among students like group work and house wise tasks keeping the following objectives in mind may be useful:

  • Develop social skills, sense of teamwork and collective success amongst students.
  • Peer tutoring and constructive learning

After a successful intervention in this segment of school improvement, we can easily verify the outcomes of cooperative learning among students that they sit and work in groups, teachers assign group tasks with complementary roles to individual students, students demonstrate the social skills, and teachers critically observe students’ social skills, group processes and give feedback

Creative writing

Creative writing is considered to be any writing, fiction, poetry, or non-fiction that goes outside the bounds of professional and technical forms of writing. Creative writing is believed to focus on students’ self-expression. Such initiatives can be introduced on every level, however secondary level should be focused with following objectives to achieve:

  • To develop students’ creative writing skills
  • To develop students’ motivation for creative writing.

After a certain time, it can be confidently observed that not all the students but mostly the students will show a positive response in terms of creative writing in the focused classes. The achievements such as students generate ideas through brainstorming on any topic; they write a short paragraph on a given topic according to their level; students develop a story of their own by using their own imagination; students have their notebooks, files and displays in classroom with their creative work they have done can be visible. With an intentional intervention along with appropriate activities and modifications in daily schooling process, we can achieve better outcomes.

Expected Impact after an Academic Year’s deliberate intervention

All the above initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning will prove to be effective in terms of teachers’ attitude towards students and their profession as well. Students will play main role for their learning through asking questions from teachers, responding to teachers’ questions, sharing understanding with the whole class after reading the text, presentations and providing support to peers in learning. More importantly, teachers will also show love and care towards students and students’ self-esteem will be boosted up.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

تعلیم میں مدد اور سرمایہ کاری 

Investing in Education: Why the Future Depends on It 


Darvesh Karim, AKU-IED/PDCN

 There is a saying that “It is, the ‘thinking’ of man that grooms ignorance or illumination in a society”. If an individual fosters the sense of feelings, affection, and the universal brotherhood to others in society, then this sense causes peace and prosperity in the social order. If one sows the seeds of grudges, narrow minding, and disunity, then there will be ignorance with the consequence of destruction in society. I heard that on United Nation’s building entrance the following poetry 'Bani Adam' by Maulna Rumi in Persian is engraved, which became the motto of UN:

The inference of this poetry is: “The sons of Adam are limbs of each other, having been created of one essence. When the calamity of time affects one limb, the other limbs cannot remain at rest. If you have no sympathy for the troubles of others, you are unworthy to be called by the name of a Human”. It is also believed that this world is like a human body, while countries and societies are like the different parts of it. If there is pain somewhere in an organ the whole of the body feels pain. To get rid-off this pain the patient takes different precautions. He/she uses a prescribed medicine and food. By the virtue of acting upon the instructions of physician, the patient gets rid-off from the disease.   Likewise, if there is any disturbance and annoyance in any society this should pain the whole world, as the world has become a global village now. It has been unanimously agreed that the disturbance and disorder in a society is the result of ignorance. The lack of knowledge and information or simply being unaware of important information or facts of the world. The prescription to overcome disturbance and annoyance is educating the society.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. We all know this fact that to overcome or to cure the ignorance and poverty, societies need to equip with knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes. This can be done through investing on education and declaring an emergency in education sector especially in third world countries. SDGs 4th goal also advocates ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all. However, all the 17 goals of SDGs are interconnected and can be achieved by deliberate focus on 4th goal, which will be instrumental to reduce/end poverty & hunger, promote well-being, gender equality, sustainable management of water & sanitation, access to energy, promote economic growth, build resilient infrastructure, foster innovation and so on. For societies, education is more important because that is the only means through which they will gain knowledge of socio-economic factors, healthy living, how to free the nation from poverty, inequality and raise women for a better tomorrow.


To promote education and ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities in Gilgit-Baltistan, Aga Khan Development Network’s institutions like Aga Khan Foundation, Aga Khan University and Aga Khan Education Services have been very much instrumental to implement various educational projects in different districts of Gilgit-Baltistan for last many years. AKDN has been designing and implementing variety of activities to improve female education, community mobilization and social advocacy to bring-in the out-of-school children to schools, and to improve student retention and quality of education in the marginalized communities through improvement in schools physical and learning conditions.

Gilgit-Baltistan is famous for its natural beauty, selfless hospitality, peace, and rich cultural heritage.  It is also known as the cradle of peace and queen of beauty.  Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists visit Gilgit-Baltistan annually. To preserve and to enhance the peace, its natural beauty, and the rich culture of hospitality further, provision and access to quality education is the extreme need of the time of this region. We live in third world countries, which are currently facing corruption, poverty, hunger, poor healthcare, and educational facilities. These are only a few of the problems faced by people in developing countries. Many of these problems are caused by exclusion, fear, intimidation, broken infrastructure, and lack of money, resources, access to information, and tools. I believe that developed world is well acquainted with this situation of third world countries and they are supporting the countries in need. However, being within limited resources, Gilgit-Baltistan is doing its best in education sector, and it may become the torch bearer and a landmark to spread the message of peace and prosperity not only in Pakistan but in the whole world. To bring this dream into reality, it needs more attention and support especially in Education sector by UN agencies and other philanthropic entities of the world to help Gilgit-Baltistan scale the peak of the brilliance. Just like a slight patting of a teacher increases the motivation and fondness to learn of a student, a small contribution and support can enhance the motivation to learn and to educate the society of Gilgit-Baltistan which has a potentiality to emerge as a model society for the developing countries of the world.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Making a Difference: How Small Contributions Can Have a Big Impact During the Covid Pandemi

 A small contribution during Covid Pandemic

Darvesh Karim


During the years 2020 and 2021 due to CORONA virus, lockdown situation and disturbed educational processes prevailed throughout the years. In general, educational institutions all over the world and especially in Pakistan were closed and formal educational processes and discourses were at complete halt. Schools, colleges, universities, and the individuals working in education sector were trying their level best to get their courses online.

I have been working as a teacher educator in a reputed educational institution and affiliated with a team to implement some educational projects in the far-flung and remotest regions of Gilgit-Baltitsan. But due to Covid pandemic, all the project activities were also seized. Hence to keep ourselves connected with our project schoolteachers; we tried our level best to remain connected through social media platforms. This resulted a positive interaction and communication with the schools and teachers. As an affiliate of education, I think the stuff shared with our project schoolteachers should also be shared with the winder community via open social media platforms like YouTube, so that this material could be beneficial to the individuals interested. Hence, the stuff has been uploaded and available on the links provided below. This content includes the following videos:

1.      What is Covid?

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceThis video is an attempt to convey the message to the students about the virus, that why this virus is called covid-19 and why it is named as corona? It is a short video, but for some initial information about the Covid-19, it could be beneficial for students particularly.


2.      12 Tips for Parents

Graphical user interface, text, website

Description automatically generatedDuring lockdown, the Aga Khan Foundation released 12 tips for parents and families on how they can help their children in their current educational journey. I felt that these tips need to be made easier and accessible to parents and other family members, so that they can benefit. These are indeed outstanding tips for parents and families with school age children. These tips can also be useful even after the Covid-19 lockdown situation.


3.      15 Activities for Parents with Children

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedDuring lockdown, parents also had to worry about how to keep their children engaged at home in addition to educational activities. As parents, if we try to focus on the positive aspects of this difficult and disturbing situation instead of taking it in a negative way, we can make this situation pleasant for ourselves and for our children at home.  Keeping this notion in mind, I proposed various activities and made a video containing 15 interesting initiatives we can take with our children at home. All these activities also articulated in Urdu and published in the local newspapers. These activities are quite relevant to initiate with kids at home in normal situations too.


4.      Professional Development of Teachers

Since a lot has been done for the students at the government level and by the educational institutions after the Covid-19 lockdown, however, no special attention has been given to the professional development of teachers. Hence, I also prepared three special videos for professional development of teachers suggesting 5 tips and effective utilization of ICT devices and social media platforms.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Finally, I encourage you all to please visit these videos, share, and comment. I believe that some of the tips and tricks are still valid even after Covid-Lockdown and these activities and tips can be used in normal situation too.


February 28, 2022