Human Development Model
Darvesh Karim, Assistant Instructor
Professional Development Center, North, University Road, Konodass, Gilgit.
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Human Development Model
Darvesh Karim
Assistant Instructor
Professional Development Center, North
University Road, Konodass, Gilgit.
Ph. No: (+92) 05811-454132-4 Ext: 3017
Fax No: (+92) 05811-454135
Cell No: (+92) 03465419307
Email (Official):
Email (Private):,
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Education is the prime source to enhance multiple capacities of human beings. Among those capacities empowerment of individuals and societies, adjustment with rapid globalization, create and develop knowledge society, awareness of social justice and other areas of human development are important dimensions.
The overall development of any country is closely linked with its level of Human Development. Therefore, human development appears to be the prime capacity of any society. Human development is a complex process, which includes many aspects such as intellectual, social, emotional, physical and many others highlighted earlier. There can be different approaches and models to increase the capacities. However, after a long discussion and careful analysis of the complicated relationship between and among different aspects of Human Development, we have developed a model (see the diagram) which we found appropriate to achieve the purpose.
Among other aspects of human development, the Human Development Model seeks to develop two features: human’s body health and control over environment.
The model suggests the awareness of hygienic food, health education and environmental health as a prerequisite for a healthy body. Similarly, for control over environment, the model emphasizes political and material aspects. The political aspect encompasses political and social infrastructures to have a say in the governance and to initiate developmental strategies. Likewise, material aspect entails effective and efficient allocation and utilization of available resources, while it further seeks to generate new resources.
Through this model we have shown the connections of various dimensions and contributing functions of them in the capacity building of human being, thus ultimately leading to human development which is the goal of this model.
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