Darvesh Karim
Assistant Instructor
Professional Development Center, North
University Road, Konodass, Gilgit.
Ph. No: (+92) 05811-454132-4 Ext: 3017
Fax No: (+92) 05811-454135
Cell No: (+92) 03465419307
Email (Official): darveshkarim@pdcn.edu.pk
Email (Private): dk_hunzai@yahoo.com, darvesh.karim@gmail.com
Online Blogs: www.dkhunza.blogspot.com; www.scribd.com/dk_hunzai

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Model: Key Stages | Tools Used | Modifications / Possibilities | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Where do we want to go?
Where are we now?
Goals/ objectives ![]()
Quality Audit | Identity stakeholders
![]() Table: Who/When/Why ![]()
Internal & External Environment Scan: SWOT / PESTE Ask team to individually write down and, then, prioritize
Putting them together (combine action plan and monitoring plan) | 1. (a) Develop Mental picture of planning process; negotiate with senior management; (b) Brainstorming stakeholders; prioritize the list 2. (a) Semi structured interviews (b) Do some ‘activity’ to assess readiness e.g. seminar presentation/ workshop 3. ‘How’, ‘what’ - modified earlier; made more comprehensive – added more details of all planning stages 4. Identify current trends in education; SWOT/PESTE Scenario planning; 5. (a) What is your dream………………in the various domains/ areas specified (b) What are vision for all the various stakeholders – visual representation of tool |
Expectation 1
(a) You have been introduced to a number of models and variety of tools during this course. Put them all in this section in an organized and retrievable manner.
I have furnished some of the models, tools and processes of strategic planning above. All these have been taken from the course book, internet and our own created tools and collage.
Expectation 2
(a) What are the common elements/stages/processes in all models?
· Motivation and encouragement to participate all stockholders (School management, teachers, parents, students and community etc. or simply there should be a state of readiness & establishing a planning team)
· Environmental scanning (internal/external) to know the existing position of school and its surrounding to keep an eye on the transformational factors, and emerging trends. SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) analysis, PEST (Political, Educational, Socio-cultural, Technological), and SWOC (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & Challenges) analysis have been recommended.
· Shared Vision practice.
· Identification of goals (long and short term) and objectives.
· Prioritising these goals.
· Preparation of Action plan.
· Strategic allocation of resources.
· Preparation of monitoring plan.
· Audit quality.
(b) What should be criteria for selecting any model for SDP?

Expectation 3
(a) From your stock of tools, you are required to choose 5 most comprehensive tools and identify different possible usages of those tools.
1. SWOT Analysis – used to reduce a large quantity of situational factors into a more manageable profile. This tool can be used during the situational analysis process of School Development Plan. This tool can also be used to implement a new teaching strategy or introducing mentoring and peer coaching etc. in the school, which can identify different aspects of the school internally and externally.

- PEST Analysis – This provides the context within which more detailed planning can take place to take full advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. This analysis can also be used to identify the affecting trends or factors in different sectors like political, Economical, Social and Technological. This tool can also be used during school development plan, specifically during situational analysis. Secondly this tool can also be beneficial to know the different perspectives about education from parents or the community members, as these members use to come from different backgrounds and expertise. So, if this tool is used, then different perspectives and school affecting factors will be identified, which can be helpful for future planning.

3. Scenario Planning –

4. Process-Based knowledge Mapping.

- Appreciation-Extracting Maximum Information from Facts. (‘So what?’)
Expectation 4 (Option For Strategic Thinkers Only)
(a) Do you consider the following activities as tools? Identify purposes and suggest modifications.
1. Time Machine – It is a powerful tool to reflect on the past days.
2. You are a dead person – envision what you want people attending your funeral to say - My exact learning in this regard I would rather refer the discussion form’s thread where Mr. Nawab Sadburg has very accurately responded my query that the activity to assume ourselves (myself) DEAD was a scaring and painful activity (for me - frankly to say). I couldn't figure out its relationship to the strategic planning. In my personal opinion, during this activity the situation came to a bit tense and all were not participating fully. Mr. Nawab responded that;
To your comment on the activity of assuming ourselves dead has three parts for me namely, its connection with strategic planning, the tense moment which it created, and the participation of our colleagues.
As for as its connection to strategic planning and thinking is concerned, to me this activity has a great relevancy with these concepts in many ways. Firstly, strategic thinking is looking forward or visualizing future and preparing ourselves and our institutions accordingly. In other words, future is certain and we have to enter it either willingly or unwillingly. The better way is to enter willingly. This willingness would be there if we have all the skills, capabilities and tools required to cope with the challenges of the day. Can a person be ready to die if he/she has nothing to take for judgment day? Not at all. So why not to prepare ourselves from today.
Secondly, leadership is supporting people in such a way that the services of the leader could be remembered for ever. A person standing near the coffin of Quaid Azam should have said that we have lost our great national hero. I don't know what would be the response of people standing near the coffin of any present Pakistani leaders. We have opted for leadership and school leadership is too complicated in the sense that it is a grooming platform for the coming generation who will rule our country. I don't know how do they remember us when, accidentally, anyone of them is near our coffin. Did it make some sense, Darvesh?
Though I have something to say about the remaining parts, I invite other colleagues to join this discussion and help the curious Darvesh in overcoming his confusions (confusion is the first step of learning). I leave the two parts (tense and participation) for my colleagues.
While commenting on the same our respected facilitators also mentioned that, controlling the future is not possible...but we may develop a better sense of control...we cannot control future....we can prepare for the uncertainties through prior planning....this may help us move towards a better future.. then the one we might have if we go unplanned...
Now, personally, I believe that this was not a waste but a unique chance to probe into a future scenario by reflecting our present so that our future would be better.
2. ‘Why’ questioning

3. Metaphors and images
4. Collage – it was also a way to look into the possible future and making proper preparation for those scenarios.
5. Scenario Planning
Scenario Planning or scenario thinking is a strategic planning method that institutions use to make long-term planning. When scenario planning is integrated with a systems thinking approach (the activity in groups we done in our class) to scenario development, it becomes a systematic collection of different minds.
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