Wednesday, June 1, 2011


(Feedback incorporated)
Darvesh Karim
Assistant Instructor
Professional Development Center, North
University Road, Konodass, Gilgit.
Ph. No: (+92) 05811-454132-4 Ext: 3017
Fax No: (+92) 05811-454135
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When it comes to work with computers, I always feel easy and relaxed, as habitually I love working on computers for assignments, projects or tasks, whether they are related to composing, presentations, calculations, drawings or to have fun. When we were introduced to PLOT – Professional Learning On-line Tool - in Teacher Learning course, I readily accessed the website with the given ID, and it was of-course initially seemed a normal routine work like working in Google, Yahoo, Hotmail or searching on OCLC and I assumed (jumped to conclusion – ‘post-hoc conclusion’ without exploring the site practically), that it would be much easier for me to work and understand the task. Then I just signed out from it after changing the password. When I returned to the site again next day, it was an embracing surprise for me that when I started clicking topics or areas, a whole bunch of sub headings, then their sub headings and sub headings…. my God! It was an endless journey, the task which I assumed easy, now became a puzzle game for me. I was lost in between these endless links of different headings and sub headings and lots of reading material; on the other hand our facilitator has restricted us to limit ourselves to reading only and not to print, keeping all the lots of material in mind and to reduce the wastage of paper.
PLOT is specifically covering not only teacher learning but it covers all the aspects of teaching learning process. I found that PLOT is designed for teachers, headteachers, administrators and for those who are affiliated with educational institutions. I understand that it is a highway of modern teaching and guiding techniques with practical examples and field experiences. It talks about every corner of professional development whether it is peer coaching, mentoring, portfolios, reflections, teachers’ empowerment, students’ empowerment or effective communications among the stakeholders. PLOT assists schools to increase their leadership capacity, as it provides an extensive resource bank for the development of professional teams and individuals and enhancement of pedagogy in classrooms.  It seems to me that it is not a single assignment of four questions, but our facilitators have very timely opened a window of learning for us as it is a complete course, which covers and guides with the practical examples relating them with famous quotes. The proper and effective usage of encouraging and meaningful quotes in PLOT is marvelous.  
I am still in exploration phase of that puzzle of different headings and sub headings, but also enjoying the surfing through the valuable material. While learning about self-reflection in the classroom and the effective reinforcement of the same in the form of a quote in PLOT, which I really felt heart touching that; ‘What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us…. - Ralph Waldo Emerson). To reflect on ‘what lies with in us’, is no body else but ourselves – yes, the most appropriate interpreters. This quote very much attracted and re-enforced me towards its usage and implementation. I look forward to collect some more valuable material and techniques of teaching learning process from this window of opportunity, which is opened to me for a limited time. Let us see, how much I gain.

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