Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Strategic Planning Portfolio




John Dewey“I believe that all education proceeds by the participation of the individual in the social consciousness of the race. This process begins unconsciously almost at birth, and is continually shaping the individual's powers, saturating his consciousness, forming his habits, training his ideas, and arousing his feelings and emotions. Through this unconscious education the individual gradually comes to share in the intellectual and moral resources which humanity has succeeded in getting together. He becomes an inheritor of the funded capital of civilization. The most formal and technical education in the world cannot safely depart from this general process. It can only organize it or differentiate it in some particular direction” (Dewey, 1897).

John Dewey's famous declaration concerning education. First published in The School Journal, Volume LIV, Number 3 (January 16, 1897), pages 77-80. Retrieved from


·       SECTION A - Strategic Thinking is the core of strategic Planning
·       SECTION B – Portfolio – Strategic Planning Models, Tools and Process – Graphical and Textual presentation.
·       SECTION C – Personal Profession Plan



A professional portfolio is a collection of various information about a teacher’s and students’ work like reflective writing, lesson plans, student assignments, teachers’ written descriptions, and formal evaluations by supervisors. Essentially, a professional portfolio is a collection of information about a teacher’s practices. [It] should be more than a miscellaneous collection of artifacts or extended accomplishments attained over an extended period (Wolf as cited in Retallick, 1996)
A professional portfolio serves as a collection or record of our professional background and experience. Items often found in a portfolio include a statement about the philosophy of education, curriculum vitae, examples of materials, activities, or lesson plans we developed, video clips of our classroom teaching, samples of student, peer, or administrative evaluations of our teaching, and so on.  According to Dietz (1993), the professional development portfolio is an envelope of the mind, a collection of essential questions, artifacts, and evidences that represent growth, continuous learning, and the current level of performance and interests of the learner. It is meant to be dynamic and changing as the learner experiences discoveries that lead to new directions and activities. A portfolio is a compilation of evidence, which demonstrate the acquisition, development, and exercise of knowledge and skills in relation to any work place (Retallick & Groundwater-Smith, 1996).

SECTION B – PortfoliO– Strategic Planning Models, Tools and Process – Graphical presentation.

Strategic Planning Process
  Appreciative Inquiry graphic:

Model: Key Stages
Tools Used
Modifications / Possibilities

Planning for Planning

  1. Establish planning team

  1. Assess the readiness for planning.

  1.  Identify members involved at each planning stage; assign responsibilities, timeframe for planning justification for all these decisions.

Where do we want to go?

  1. Visioning

Where are we now?


  1. Situation Analysis:

How to Get Vision? 

  1. Identify
     Goals/ objectives

Develop Plan
  1. Action planning 

  1. Develop monitoring plan

  1. Overall Plan: putting the pieces together

Quality Audit

Identity stakeholders


Checklist to assess

Table: Who/When/Why

  1. Identity characteristics of goal school.
  2. Collate together
  3. Vision statement

Internal & External Environment Scan: SWOT / PESTE

Ask team to individually write down and, then, prioritize


What to monitor

Putting them together (combine action plan and monitoring plan)

1.  (a) Develop Mental picture of planning process; negotiate with senior management;    

(b) Brainstorming stakeholders; prioritize the list

2.  (a) Semi structured interviews (b) Do some ‘activity’ to assess readiness e.g. seminar presentation/ workshop

3.  ‘How’, ‘what’ -  modified earlier; made more comprehensive – added more details of all planning stages

4.  Identify current trends in education; SWOT/PESTE Scenario planning;

5.  (a) What is your dream………………in the various domains/ areas specified (b) What are vision for all the various stakeholders – visual representation of tool

SECTION B – PORTFOLIO STRATEGIC Planning Models, Tools and Process – textual presentation.

Expectation 1

(a)        You have been introduced to a number of models and variety of tools during this course.  Put them all in this section in an organized and retrievable manner.

I have furnished some of the models, tools and processes of strategic planning above. All these have been taken from the course book, internet and our own created tools and collage.

Expectation 2

(a)        What are the common elements/stages/processes in all models?

·         Motivation and encouragement to participate all stockholders (School management, teachers, parents, students and community etc. or simply there should be a state of readiness & establishing a planning team). This process involves the motivation of all the stakeholders for designing or selecting any school development plan. It verifies about the inputs of the planning team by asking their attitudinal approaches towards this plan. These include the willingness to accept changes, i.e. accepting the trends in educational reforms. It also clarifies about the existing situation of the school with regard to implement a plan, i.e. whether the school is not passing through some urgent kind of activities, may be exams or auditing etc. these all processes serve as boasting factors in further promotion of the plan, otherwise it can’t be further processed.
·         Environmental scanning (internal/external) to know the existing position of school and its surrounding to keep an eye on the transformational factors, and emerging trends. SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) analysis, PEST (Political, Educational, Socio-cultural, Technological), and SWOC (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & Challenges) analysis have been recommended. This process comes after building a planning team, and their readiness towards school developmental plan. It informs the team about the available strengths of the school, its needs and the ways to fulfill these needs.
·         Shared Vision practice is the stage after analyzing the situation, vision is developed which aimed at filing the needs identified in situation analysis stage. Vision building seemed common in all the models. The interesting element in vision building is the involvement of all the stakeholders in the formation stage of vision which allows all the stakeholders to share their future expectations about the school. This exercise looks to address the future trends and needs of the rapid changing time.
·         Identification of goals (long and short term) and objectives. Based on all the activities described above, SDP team will be able to identify the goals.
·         Prioritizing these goals.
·         Preparation of Action plan. Most of the models describe about the plan formation. In some models it has been described as the “how” method, where as some models describe it as design process. It comprises of strategies to achieve the vision.
·         Strategic allocation of resources. The most crucial stage, where we have strategically allocate the resources in the plan.
·         Preparation of monitoring plan. This stage is quite visible in all the models. It illustrates about the operational process of the formulated plans to achieve the goals which are directed towards vision. It also describes about the different stages of the plan to implement. For example; which activity should be carried out at the beginning and all the subsequent activities?
·         Audit quality. To check the validity and implementation scrutiny, we perform an audit quality check.
(b)       What should be criteria for selecting any model for SDP?
SDP is a process of building a vision and bringing together the means to carry it out. It engage building consensus, establishing priorities, and creating a plan of action. To select any model for school development plan, I personally feel above characteristics should be kept in mind along with practically assess an organization's internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, examine an organization’s core competencies, principles, and values, concentrate on building consensus among all the stockholders. Johnson and Scholes Model is the most simple and effective model, fulfilling all these characteristics. This model is much integrated so that at every stage a cross check is possible keeping the changing trends. Its stages are integrated and the process has been identified keeping three aspect as NOW (the present situation) WHERE (the target or bench mark) and HOW to reach there. These three steps have been focused areas in all models and process because the results of this process improve effectively. For more general criteria for selecting any model I propose;
  • The model contains all the necessary elements needed for making an effective plan, i.e. how to develop vision, how the activities are carried out, proper way of identifying goals and objectives and to achieve these goals and objectives an effective action and monitoring plan is present.
  • The model is flexible enough to do necessary amendments in case of an unexpected situation and contextual needs.
  • The model is complicated or simple with respect to its practical aspects, i.e. easily understandable or systematic. That model will be selected which is easy to implement and provides easy access towards its components
  • The plan shows an imposition or participatory approach. That model should be selected which provides maximum participatory approaches of the stakeholders.
  • The plan fulfills our purpose or not. We should select that model which best serves our purpose and objectives.
  • There are many models, built on the basis of business purposes. So, while selecting any model, we should consider whether is it school driven or commercial driven.

Expectation 3

(a)        From your stock of tools, you are required to choose 5 most comprehensive tools and identify different possible usages of those tools.

1.         SWOT Analysis – used to reduce a large quantity of situational factors into a more manageable profile. This tool can be used during the situational analysis process of School Development Plan. This tool can also be used to implement a new teaching strategy or introducing mentoring and peer coaching etc. in the school, which can identify different aspects of the school internally and externally.
Possible Uses
The usefulness of SWOT analysis is not limited to school development plans only. SWOT analysis may be used in any decision-making situation when a desired end-state (objective) has been defined. For example: non-profit making organizations, governmental units and individuals. SWOT analysis may also be, and often is, used in pre-crisis planning and preventive crisis management. Following the steps described above should lead to clarification of issues and development of goal-oriented alternatives.
  1. PEST Analysis – This provides the context within which more detailed planning can take place to take full advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. This analysis can also be used to identify the affecting trends or factors in different sectors like political, Economical, Social and Technological. This tool can also be used during school development plan, specifically during situational analysis. Secondly this tool can also be beneficial to know the different perspectives about education from parents or the community members, as these members use to come from different backgrounds and expertise. So, if this tool is used, then different perspectives and school affecting factors will be identified, which can be helpful for future planning. PEST Analysis means, Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Environmental Analysis. Its is used to measure the external force that impact a company. This Analysis is basically done when one wants to enter a new market, to study the market and how it can help in getting the most out of it.

Possible Uses:
            PEST analysis incorporates four perspectives, which give a logical structure, providing clear presentation for further discussions and proactive decision-makings. In writing a good PEST, subject should be a clear definition of the market being addressed, which might include the following issues of:
• an institution looking at its market
• a course looking at its validity
• a local business unit
• a strategic option, such as entering a new market or launching a new product
• a potential partnership
• an investment opportunity

  1. Scenario Planning –
To manage risks related to innovation investments that extend long into the future, leaders must be willing to look ahead and consider uncertainties. It is a tool to manage strategic risks and opportunities.
Scenario planning is the process in which leaders discover and then consider, in depth, several varied scenarios of equally reasonable futures with the objective to bring forward surprises and unexpected increase of understanding. These scenarios represent a tool for ordering the perceptions of a management team. The point is not to select one preferred future and hope for it to become true. Nor is the point to fund the most probable future and adapt to it. Rather, the point is to make strategic decisions that will be sound for all possible futures. No matter what future takes place, an institution and its management team is much more likely to be ready for it and influential in it, if it has seriously thought about scenarios. Scenario planning is about making choices today with an understanding of how they might turn out.
Possible uses:
Scenario approach can be used for Environmental/Sustainability to develop an integrated set of global scenarios focusing on sustainable development, or it can be used for Business and Civic as well for sustainable development, through a set of global scenarios.

4                    Process-Based knowledge Mapping.
A method of analysis to define the knowledge needed and the knowledge available to support an educational or business process. Knowledge Mapping identifies the: explicit knowledge (knowledge artifacts), implicit knowledge (undocumented information, expertise in people’s heads), infrastructure (where does it the reside), organization( who and where are the people).

Possible Uses
Knowledge mapping is a process by which educational or corporate organizations can identify and categorize knowledge assets within their organization - people, processes, content, and technology. It allows an organization to fully influence the existing expertise resident in the organization, as well as identify barriers and constraints to fulfilling strategic goals and objectives. It is constructing a roadmap to locate the information needed to make the best use of recourses.

Knowledge Map describes what knowledge is used in a process, and how it flows around the process. It is the basis for determining knowledge commonality, or areas where similar knowledge is used across multiple processes. Fundamentally, a process knowledge map contains information about the organization’s knowledge. It describes who has what knowledge (tacit), where the knowledge resides (infrastructure), and how the knowledge is transferred or disseminated (social).

5.  Plus Minus Interesting (PMI)
This tool is helpful in determining whether the implementation of any SDP will improve the situation or not. It describes about the positive impacts/aspects, harmful affects and future implications of any plan. Based upon the outcomes, the plan may be recommended or rejected.

Expectation 4 (Option For Strategic Thinkers Only)

(a)        Do you consider the following activities as tools? Identify purposes and suggest modifications.

1.      Time Machine – It is a powerful tool to reflect on the past days as it allows us to reflect about the past and can help to develop vision based upon past practices and newly emerging trends. So keeping these aspects in mind we can also focus on the future trends to create a realistic vision.
2.         You are a dead person – envision what you want people attending your funeral to say - My exact learning in this regard I would rather refer the discussion form’s thread where Mr. Nawab Sadburg has very accurately responded my query that the activity to assume ourselves (myself) DEAD was a scaring and painful activity (for me - frankly to say). I couldn't figure out its relationship to the strategic planning. In my personal opinion, during this activity the situation came to a bit tense and all were not participating fully. Mr. Nawab responded that;
To your comment on the activity of assuming ourselves dead has three parts for me namely, its connection with strategic planning, the tense moment which it created, and the participation of our colleagues.
As for as its connection to strategic planning and thinking is concerned, to me this activity has a great relevancy with these concepts in many ways. Firstly, strategic thinking is looking forward or visualizing future and preparing ourselves and our institutions accordingly. In other words, future is certain and we have to enter it either willingly or unwillingly. The better way is to enter willingly. This willingness would be there if we have all the skills, capabilities and tools required to cope with the challenges of the day. Can a person be ready to die if he/she has nothing to take for judgment day? Not at all. So why not to prepare ourselves from today.
Secondly, leadership is supporting people in such a way that the services of the leader could be remembered for ever. A person standing near the coffin of Quaid Azam should have said that we have lost our great national hero. I don't know what would be the response of people standing near the coffin of any present Pakistani leaders. We have opted for leadership and school leadership is too complicated in the sense that it is a grooming platform for the coming generation who will rule our country. I don't know how do they remember us when, accidentally, anyone of them is near our coffin. Did it make some sense, Darvesh?
Though I have something to say about the remaining parts, I invite other colleagues to join this discussion and help the curious Darvesh in overcoming his confusions (confusion is the first step of learning). I leave the two parts (tense and participation) for my colleagues.
While commenting on the same our respected facilitators also mentioned that, controlling the future is not possible...but we may develop a better sense of control...we cannot control future....we can prepare for the uncertainties through prior planning....this may help us move towards a better future.. then the one we might have if we go unplanned...
Now, personally, I believe that this was not a waste but a unique chance to probe into a future scenario by reflecting our present so that our future would be better. This was a chance to look ahead in our possible future by creating a scenario. No-doubt this can be used for probing into stakeholders mind to explore their desirous futures, so that we could be able to plan accordingly.
3. Why’ questioning

There is lots of thinking that never contributes to understanding and never throws light on issues of importance. That is because thinking can be done in an unquestioning manner. We must encourage others and ourselves to question and to learn, by reacting to probe into, on the statements by simply saying ‘so what?’ We can encourage all the stockholders to become ongoing questioners committed to practicing important questions until capable of making sense. This is of-course a fabulous tool to create thinking skills, because questioning is a possibly strong but often neglected component in school atmospheres.

4.         Metaphors and images. To develop thinking abilities and to show a clear understanding a metaphoric or imaginary sketch can be presented. It provide opportunity to compare with other things of related to real contexts for more and clear understanding.

5.         Collage – it is also a way to look into the possible future and making proper preparation for those scenarios. Used to see the future trends which describe about the linkages between forces and their impact. Positive and negative both aspects should be considered, accept the trend based upon the contextual norms, customs and realities
6. Scenario Planning
Scenario Planning or scenario thinking is a strategic planning method that institutions use to make long-term planning. When scenario planning is integrated with a systems thinking approach (the activity in groups we done in our class) to scenario development, it becomes a systematic collection of different minds.
            This tool is helpful in determining whether the implementation school development plan will improve the situation or not. It describes about the positive impacts/aspects, harmful affects and future implications of any plan. Based upon the outcomes, the plan may be recommended or rejected.
            It is used as an environmental scanning tool which reflects about the internal and external situation before suggesting any school development plan. It works as a tool to describe the multiple possibilities in future by compensating the rapid changes of the future. We can say that a scenario planning is a tool which can help to see a better future.
To see the multiple future possibilities due to rapid changes. Past practices should also be considered to see the future

SECTION C – PERSONAL Profession Plan FOR 2009 - 2010

I intend to plan my professional development keeping this model in mind and I assume that this is an excellent model for strategic planning which will surely lead me to success. A very simple three steps have been identified bellow in my professional development plan i.e. Who am I or what am I NOW, WHERE I want to go and HOW I want to go there?

How Am I (Now)

My name is ……… My ethnic background explains a lot of who I am, and the values that I have developed. My name was chosen using a religious method. I am thirty eight years old and I am a student by occupation. I have given this as a description of myself for a long time now. I fill it out in forms and use it when first meeting people. It's a rather simple and straightforward assessment of who I am. Secondly I assume that every human being should seek knowledge throughout his life, hence I can be ever called myself as a student.
            My family and my parents in particular, provided me with the morals that I hold to be true. I am very grateful of the way my parents brought me up. They always told me do to others as you would like them to do to you. That phrase is what I keep in mind before doing any thing.  I would have to say that my parents probably influenced my personality and identity more than anyone else. I'm very close with my parents especially with my father.
            I have completed master from Karachi University, B.Ed from Allama Iqbal Open University and have done different computer packages from various institutions.  Now professionally I am a teacher (apart from being for-ever student) having almost 8 years teaching experiences, but I assume that development never ends, hence to sharpen my capacities further, I have joined a reputed university for M.Ed to enhance my educational management and leadership skills.
            My wealth of knowledge in terms of teaching profession is increasing day by day in the institution, but yes, I must confess that theoretical knowledge is building on. I have gained much knowledge about modern techniques of teachers learning, research, monitoring and evaluation, curriculum planning, assessment, effective leadership skills, distributed leadership, strategic planning and development and perfection in ICT skills and lots more still to learn.
            Based on all this knowledge I acquired and on my previous experience, I can be a beneficial asset for my institution, if I actually use these innovative ideas and models in my practical field.

Where I want to Be?

Keeping all my strengths and capacities in mind and the context where I am supposed to work, I want to reach the destination to show my self as an effective teacher. Though there seems to be a prevailing assumption that effective teaching or teacher cannot be defined, but these characteristics (bellow) of
teachers who are essential. It is a good idea to keep this list in mind as I prepare to teach and lead to monitor my  performance throughout the career. This can be a
wish list of goals  and objectives but I will surely try to mould
myself towards following effective teaching points gained from my
current studies and from the practical behavior of my facilitators.
The environment, where I am supposed to work is almost similar to my current institution giving facilitation to government, private and NGO based school heads and teachers. So, following is the wish list to become an effective facilitator in my institution.
·         Presentations well prepared, orderly.
·         Subject related to life, practical.
·         ICT integrated teaching.
·         Creation of Virtual classrooms.
·         Students' questions and opinions encouraged
·         Cares about the progress and welfare of the students
·         Has a sense of humor, amusing.
·         Warm, kind, sympathetic
·         Teaching aids used effectively.
·         Variety of instructional strategies.
·         Provide corrective feedback.
·         Approachable, friendly, available
·         Non-credit tests and quizzes

Prioritized Objectives
  • I will create virtual classrooms in my context to facilitate the CPs not only my facilitation but also to get facilitation from my main campus.
  • Practical usage of Variety in instructional strategies.
  • I have to concentrate on every Presentation for its well preparation and orderly manner.
  • Seek scholarship for Ph.D.

How will I get there?

 To achieve all these goals and objectives, I have to use the cyclic process which is PLAN, DO, CHECK & ACT to effectively achieve the targeted goals and objectives.
·         Creation of virtual classrooms. I have gained much knowledge about the usage of e-Luminate software for creating virtual classrooms. My institution’s head office has the variety of versatile facilitators; I will use my knowledge as well as those facilitators knowledge to be shared with the heads and teachers of Northern Areas. This will be a new exposure for them (heads and teachers) as well as for me, and I am optimistic teachers will get very much involved in the teaching learning process and ultimately they will get the skills in ICT and awareness bout integration of technology in Education. For this purpose I am confident that resources (material and human) will be available and I can fully get support from my institution to take this imitative.
·         Variety of instructional strategies. If an instructional strategy does not include presentation, practice, and learner guidance that are consistent with the type of knowledge or skill to be taught, then it will not teach. A complete instructional strategy consists of knowledge structure consistent with, and appropriate for, the knowledge and skill being taught. After having different strategies from my current course, I will be practicing them on the actual playground. My context is usually bases on a traditional teaching style. I will try to initiate some new strategies for instruction. Creating Bolgs on the net can be an instructional strategy, which will lead CPs to share thoughts, assignments, or resources; or blogs can be created by students for the purpose of reflection, inter-group communication, or to fulfill particular assignments. A similar practice was done in my current course of Strategic Planning and Development, which I found very interesting and motivator to generate creativity.
Collages: I will also encourage my CPs to gather images (clippings from magazines, photographs, or their own drawings) and organize them to illustrate a concept or point of view; this will create also interest and imaginary presentation of CPs thoughts.
      If I concentrate above two new strategies for my future career initially, I am confident to achieve all the goals and objectives I have highlighted in the wish list above, as all these activities will lead to my professional development as well as the development of my students.

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