Monitoring Framework and Plan
Darvesh Karim
Assistant Instructor
Professional Development Center, North
University Road, Konodass, Gilgit.
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Parental Involvement
I understand that when we involve parents in education, children's learning positively relates to higher achievements. So, more intensively parents are involved in their children's learning, the more beneficial are the achievement effects. There are strong indications that the most effective forms of parent involvement are those which engage parents in working directly with their children on learning activities. Programs which involve parents in reading with their children, supporting their work on homework assignments, or tutoring them using materials and instructions provided by teachers, show particularly impressive results. More active forms of parent involvement produce greater achievement benefits than the more passive ones.
So, any activity which provides parents the opportunity to take part in decision making about school programs, is called involvement. This may include being a school board member, a participant on a parent advisory committee or a local school improvement council, or an active member of the PTA. Areas in which parents may be helping to make program decisions include goal setting, development and implementation of program activities, assessment, personnel decisions, and funding allocations. This area of parent involvement is one of the most controversial. Parents would like to play a more active role in this type of involvement, whereas most school administrators and teachers exhibit great reluctance to encourage parents to become partners in governance.
The lack of evidence linking parent involvement in governance and student achievement should not be taken to mean that parents should not be included in some aspects of school decision making, however, student achievements which have been found to emerge from involving parents in governance. These include:
· The elimination of mistaken assumptions parents and school people may hold about one another’s motives, attitudes, intentions and abilities
· The growth of parents' ability to serve as resources for the academic, social and psychological development of their children - with the potential for much longer term influence (because of continued interaction with their children over time)
· The increase of parents' own skills and confidence, sometimes furthering their own educations and upgrading their jobs, thus providing improved role models for their children
· The increase in parents serving as advocates for the schools throughout the community
To achieve all above we have to ensure to;
· Communicate to parents that their involvement and support makes a great deal of difference in their children's school performance, and that they need not be highly educated or have large amounts of free time for their involvement to be beneficial. Make this point repeatedly.
· Encourage parent involvement from the time children first enter school (or preschool, if they attend).
· Teach parents that activities such as modeling reading behavior and reading to their children increase children's interest in learning.
· Develop parent involvement programs that include a focus on parent involvement in instruction--conducting learning activities with children in the home, assisting with homework, and monitoring and encouraging the learning activities of older students.
· Provide orientation and training for parents, but remember that intensive, long-lasting training is neither necessary nor feasible.
· Make a special effort to engage the involvement of parents of disadvantaged students, who stand to benefit the most from parent participation in their learning, but whose parents are often initially reluctant to become involved.
· Continue to emphasize that parents are partners of the school and that their involvement is needed and valued.
Keeping all this characteristics of active involvement of parents in education in mind, the slogan for the academic year 2008-09 our school is ‘parents as partners’. We want to initiate some targeted activities to improve parental involvement, which will be implemented in the first six months of the academic year. To achieve the boarder goal of Parents involvement, we have identified some objectives and planned following five activities for this purpose.
(Academic Year: August 2008 – July 2009)
Goals and Objectives
Improve parental involvement as parents are the partners of the school | 1. To achieve the active involvement of parents in the school activities related to teaching, learning and management through the formation and functioning of different committees. 2. To generate a pool of data about the expertise and socio-economic status of parents to be utilized in the process of teaching and learning in future. 3. To raise awareness among parents about the importance of education and to increase their participation in the day to day schooling process, through appointing a community mobilizer |
To achieve the major goal ‘parents as partners’ and above objectives, we have planned the following five activities to be initiated with in the first six months of Academic Year 2008 – 2009.
Formation and regularized functioning of PTA | Principal, Vice Principal, Academic and Non-academic staff. | (Formation) Till the end of August 2008 (Functioning) On going monthly meetings on every last week of month. | Time, refreshment, circular, resource persons, TOR, meetings, planning for the activities of PTA, | · Students’ performance improved. · Parents’ teachers team work. · Fee collection on time. · Parents visit school frequently. · Students’ absenteeism controlled. · Improvement in classroom teaching. |
Formation and regularized functioning of SMC. | Principal, Vice Principal, Academic and Non-academic staff. | (Formation) Till the end of August 2008 (Functioning) On going monthly meetings on every first week of month. | Time, refreshment, circular, resource persons, TOR, meetings, planning for the activities of PTA, | · Improved school infrastructure. · Resources generation. · Shared decision making. · Co-curricular activities are enhanced. · Utilization of community resources. |
Two parental awareness workshops | Principal, Vice Principal, PTA/SMC | 1) September 2008 2) November 2008 | Stationary, refreshment, whiteboard markers, classroom, furniture. | · Parents will be sensitized towards the needs of their children. · Students’ homework will be improved. · Parenting skills will be enhanced. |
Socio-economic survey of parents. | A committee of 4 teachers + 2 support staff will be formed to device a questionnaire and initiate the survey and to create a database. | September - October 2008 | Time, Questionnaire Stationary, computer, photocopies, Human Resource, transportation | · Up-dated database. · Baseline information. · Parents’ expertise is utilized in the process of teaching and learning. · Human and material resources will be identified. · More resources will be available for school improvement. |
Appointing a community mobilizer. | Principal, Vice Principal | August 2008 | Salary, Transportation, Time, Human Resource. | · Awareness about education will be increased among parents. · Generation of resources. · Establishment of Inter-school networks · School community network. · Two way communication between school and parents. · Increase students’ enrollment. |
INPUT | Ø Discussion with the teachers, other professionals and well wishers of school for better selection of PTA members. Ø Motivate teachers to create linkages with parents to attract towards school. Ø Arranging professional sessions and meeting with parents. Ø Calling parents and teachers time to time meetings to develop strategies Ø Proper documentation of all the process Ø Encouraging the planned activities for PTA Ø Budget allocation for PTA activities. Ø Establishment of PTA resource center Ø Creating a TOR for PTA. Ø Invitation circulars to parents to select appropriate parents Ø Refreshment and transportation if needed. Ø Providing the necessary feed back and motivation. Ø Assigning responsibilities and designation to different parents. |
PROCESS | Ø Motivating and allowing parents to work on their activities through consultation with teachers and management. Ø Capacity building measures through exposure visits and workshops/ professional sessions. Ø Helping the newly selected/elected office bearers of PTA in establishing the rapport building among students, parents and teachers. Ø Appropriate funding to develop PTA resource center Ø Getting willingness of the parents through meetings and workshops. Ø Getting involved external professionals to observe and feedback Ø Motivating and involving parents in school matters/decision making processes to make them feel partners of school. Ø Providing necessary financial resources transportation, refreshment etc Ø Sending Parents to different organizations to see their mode of working |
OUTPUT | Ø Parent feel a sense of belongingness Ø Parents experience and acknowledge their important role Ø Parents feel about the importance of education Ø Parents involved in school matters directly Ø Parents show day by day improvement in their roles through active involvement and initiatives. Ø Parents show their intrinsic motivation and willingness Ø Parents will be professionally developed through professional sessions Ø Poor students avail the opportunity of fee remissions through a transparent selection by PTA. Ø Principal/ teachers can talk about the school matters with parents Ø Students show improvement; ethically and morally Ø Teachers feel another supportive channel in the form of parents Ø Students’ punctuality and discipline increased. Ø No ethical and behavioral issue in students. |
OUT COMES | Ø Learning communities will be enhanced and will grow further. Ø Parental help can reduce the financial problems of the school as they can generate the extra amount by communities Ø Parents frequently visit and will discuss their child’s progress with teachers and ultimately students will improve their moral/ethical values day by day Ø School tuition fee will be collected in time and defaulters list will be reduced Ø Students attendance ratio will increase Ø Students enjoy home tasks as school tasks because PTA’s motivate the parents that how to help their children at home Ø Students show gradual improved results in exams Ø Students will maximize their learning as teachers will get opportunities to themselves through PTA Ø Students’ enrollment will increase and school’s financial resources will ultimately increase. Ø School will have the minimize problems. |
INPUT | Ø Budget allocation to create a new post as Community mobilizer. Ø Developing TOR for CM indicating his/her defined specific roles Ø Appointing a CM dedicated for parents motivation and to minimize the gap between school and parents. Ø Arranging professional development opportunities for CM. Ø Creating easy accessible opportunities to different organizations Ø Encouraging, supporting and guiding activities regarding parents involvement Ø Provide extra financial attractions for extra/long hour work Ø Providing clear guidelines about school vision and involvement of parents. Ø Providing physical space/office for dealing with parents Ø Providing the required financial & logistic resources. Ø Providing appropriate space to arrange motivating workshops. Ø Preparing monthly visit schedule and its proper documentation. |
PROCESS | Ø Arranging motivational workshops for parents. Ø Arranging time to time meetings to see the progress of the activities and providing necessary feedback and guidance Ø Arranging various parents sessions through CM Ø Consulting with the organizations for professional development opportunities Ø Inviting professionals to facilitate CM within a short period of times Ø Involving CM during decision making process regarding parental involvement Ø Sending CM to get professional improvement through involving in professional discourses in different organizations Ø Conducting motivational workshops on the easily accessible vicinities for parents. Ø Balanced programs and activities for all parents. |
OUTPUT | Ø CM will plan short term and long term activities on the basis of TOR Ø CM, through professional trainings will arrange effective workshops/ sessions for the parents Ø Parents will share their problems with CM. Ø CM will be able to communicate the school vision and school priorities to parents. Ø Parents see school an supportive organization and feel no hesitation to discuss with the head teacher and other relevant teachers Ø A two way communication will increase. Ø Parents will be informed about importance of education and their roles in school matters Ø Students’ achievements will increase. Ø Parents’ visits to school will increase. Ø Parents will be motivated to share their expertise in school when ever deemed necessary. |
OUT COMES | Ø Enrollments will be increased due to motivation by CM. Ø Matters regarding students development will be easily resolved as parents visit to school quite easily Ø Principal and teachers will find an easy accessible channel to communicate with the parents. Ø School will produce its own resource and reduce outer dependency Ø The low education ratio will decrease in the community as funds will be raised through community/ parents involvement Ø The message of importance of education will be spread to a wider/large community through mobilizing community through CM Ø A good rapport of school among community. Ø Sense of belongingness among community Ø No civic problems for school any more. Ø Confidence among school and community strengthens. |
(August 2008 – July 2009)
Formation and regularized functioning of PTA | Principal, Vice Principal, Senior Teachers, Chairman PTA | § Punctuality in meetings. § Active involvement of parents. § Parents’ behavior with management. § Relationship with other PTA parents. § Checking the rules and regulations regarding the involvement of parents. § By Probing every body to give input. § Collect baseline data through asking questions. § School orientation and clearly describing the TOR to PTA. § Set targets for next six months. § Checking the utilization of financial resources. | § Initial meetings with staff members. § When finalizing the list of parents. § During the initial PTA formation and motivation meetings. § During formation of TOR for PTA. § During assigning the responsibilities to parent representatives. § During PTA meetings. | § Teachers are actively sharing and identifying the potential parents for PTA membership. § All the proceedings of the PTA formation are being documented. § Sufficient financial resources are allocated. § A huge campaign is conducted to form PTA in school by asking different stakeholders. § Students are also identifying their parents for PTA membership. § Parents are frequently visiting school. § Parents and teachers meeting frequently to discuss the classroom teaching learning process. § PTA members are regular in the meetings and spare time for school § Students and teachers become punctual. § A change is visible in school discipline. § Students’ absenteeism is gradually decreasing. |
Appointing a community mobilizer. | Principal, Vice Principal, Chairman PTA. | § Identify a suitable candidate through advertisement, test & interview. § Offer reasonable salary. § Make arrangements of transportation § Inform TOR to the mobilizer. § Provide rules and Regulations of school. § Check the time mobilizer should spend. § Provide the complete list and contacts numbers and addresses of parents. § Cross visit to Parents to check the effectiveness. § Check the visit schedules. § Check the programs designed for parents. § Asking parents. § Financial resources spent. § Relationship with management § Relationship with teachers § Relationship with parents § Abiding school policy § Creativity and innovation § Taking initiatives § Set targets for six months | § During appointment. § When school orientations is being given. § When the schedule is being prepared. § During the programs designed for parents. § During discussion with parents. § During the feedback and follow-up response from the mobilizer. | § All the visit schedules and programs are regularly documented. § Sufficient financial resources are allocated. § Parents visit to school increases. § Enrollment increases. § Problems related students and parents are decreased. § Parents and teachers interaction increased. § Students and teachers become punctual. § Students’ absenteeism is gradually decreasing. § |
While working on this assignment, initially in group then individually we had to think assuming ourselves back to our own contexts, and I felt a sense of being part of the school as I internalized the process, challenges and its strengths. The rigorous thinking ultimately led me to identify different levels to achieve the motive of school ‘parents as partners’. It was of-course a first task in its nature to prepare such plan, which helped me very much to get experience and to lead me towards learning and improvement. This experience will surely help me to initiate such type of plans in my context when I will get back.
1. Parent representatives are on the school’s advisory committees. |
2. Do we have active partnerships to develop goal oriented programs with practices for all type of involvement? |
3. Do we develop formal networks to link all parent representatives for decision making? |
4. Do we involve all parents to get input and ideas on school policies? |
5. Do we provide information about school to PTA representatives? |
6. Do we involve parents in selecting school staff? |
7. Do we involve parents in revising school curricula? |
8. Does communication between home and school regular, two-way, and meaningful. |
9. Parenting skills are promoted and supported. |
10. Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning. |
11. Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought. |
12. Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children now. |
13. Community resources are used to strengthen school, and student learning. |
14. Provide expanded learning opportunities for parents. |
15. Build broad-based support for increased school funding |
(This check list can be filled-up by Headteacher or from the representatives of Parents)
1. Punctuality.
a. How many visits in a month. Numbers: ___________
2. Well versed in oral communication.
3. Employs innovative strategies for parents’ motivation.
4. Has command over language (local language as well)
5. Gives clear information.
6. Has created a healthy relationship with community.
7. Schools vision and rules observed and reinforced
8. Participation of parents in the motivation programs is high.
9. All parents are given attention.
10. Time is well utilized during visits.
11. Motivates parents through encouragement
12. Feedback given to parents is according to school vision.
Date: ___________________ Signature: _______________________
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