Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Darvesh Karim
Assistant Instructor
Professional Development Center, North
University Road, Konodass, Gilgit.
Ph. No: (+92) 05811-454132-4 Ext: 3017
Fax No: (+92) 05811-454135
Cell No: (+92) 03465419307
Email (Official):
Online Blogs:;

We, at the London[1] Grammar School, believe in the creativity of the learner. We aim to develop responsible and confident students who are capable of facing the challenges of society.
Our teachers and management strive to be role models who are professionals in approach and devoted to their work through continuous learning. We cherish parents as well informed participants in the learning of the children.


Light The Lamp Of Learning


Teachers’ Professional Development.

1.     In-school workshops – monthly
2.     Short courses out of the school – one teacher in the first year and two or three teachers in the next four years.
3.     Introduce Reflections or reflective journals –
4.     Peer Coaching
5.     Mentoring
6.     Lesson Planning


1.     Section in-charges
2.     Introduction of a Policy document.
3.     Assign an additional responsibility to every teacher.
4.     Installation of soft boards in all corridors to display students’ work.
5.     Increase the number of computers and networking.
6.     Library/recreational hall


1.     Divide students in 3 houses along with teachers.
2.     Clubs in class 9th (Identified as a model class) – Drama & Art Club, Literary Club & Science Club. One day Kingdom – Outgoing 10th class.
3.     Displays (Resources day)
4.     Research based homework.
5.     Group work in classes.


1.     Enhance collaboration with other organizations – visit to other schools
2.     Fathers’/Mothers’ Day and sibling days.
3.     Section-wise picnics.
4.     Staff picnic.
5.     Invitation to parents for functions & gatherings.
6.     Sports week. (In a part of stadium)
7.     Celebrating success and recognition with Parents.


1.     Develop creativity and confidence in students through various activities.
2.     Improve teaching learning practices.
3.     Proper utilization of available resources and space to provide sports and creativity, library etc.
4.     Develop formal school policy and prospectus.
5.     Developing relationships/links with other schools.
6.     Increase parental involvement.
7.     Improve computers and networking.
8.     Distributed leadership development.
9.     Strengthen professional development of teachers.
10.                        Enhance creativity, confidence and provide greater opportunity to students to express their creativity.
11.                        Improve management effectiveness.
12.                        Professional Development of al least 70% teachers in the next 5 years.
13.                        Introduce 5 new co-curricular activities to build creativity and confidence among students.
14.                        Formalize management structure and policies.
15.                        Increase involvement with community.


A:        Teaching Learning
Goal 1:
Design activities to build creativity and confidence among students
1.               Plan co-curricular activities with the help of teachers and students, where students can participate with healthy competition
2.               Utilize resources to make library and provide sports facilities to students on a regular basis
3.                Enhance students’ thinking by introducing formal lesson planning, new teaching strategies and encouraging research based home work

B:        Professional Development of Teachers.
Goal 1:
Initiate Professional development of teachers

1.               Initiate in house activities and programs to support teachers. (Peer coaching, reflection, in house workshops) beginning from next year
Goal 2:
Sustain Teacher Training as an on-going activity
1.      identify training workshops and courses available
2.      At least 5-7 teachers sent for training in the next five years
3.      Teacher who are trained to conduct workshops in school and develop training plan.

C:        Management and Infrastructure:
Goal 1:           
Increase management effectiveness
1.               Distribute leadership roles among teachers and students (section in charges)
2.               Formulate policy guidelines.

Goal 2:
Provide management trainings.
1.      Identify courses and send Principal/Vice Principal for training in the next two to three years.

D:        Community Involvement:
Goal 1:
Build links with other school to learn better practices.
1.      To expose students and staff to other practices in other educational institutions/schools in the city from the year 2009 and on wards.
Goal 2:
Generate funds through activities in the community
1.      Identify the opportunities in neighborhood to rent-out school premises for use in the evening.

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Goal 1: Professional development of teachers.

To develop capability of staff members through out-sourcing and inner support.
To involve staff members in school based teacher learning to improve the instructional skills.
To ehhance English Language competency of teachers.

Goal 2: Community involvement.

To build trust and relationship with parents.
To motivate parents through involing them in different activities in side the school.

Goal 3: Resource mobilization and utilization.
To develop awareness about use of teaching aids.
To collect and use low-coast/no-cost teaching aids.
To develop learning resource centre for preserving materials.

Goal 4: Students’ holistic development
To initite indoor and outdoor sports opportunities.
To develop students confidence.
To improve ethical valus/character building.
To foster artistic skills of students.


Who will Do It?
By When
Estimated Cost
Goal 1: Improve teaching practices in the school for improved learning.
To begin formal lesson planning and introduce innovative teaching strategies.
* Introduce and follow-up regular lesson planning for each subject
* Monitor the lesson plans and give feedback.
Initial stage:
Vice Principal KG – V
Principal, VI – X
Next Stage:
Respective Section In-charges
1 meeting period every week in each subject.
1 week prior planning submitted every Friday.
20 Files + 150 format (Lesson plan tool)
Make modification in timetable.
Time –
Time for reviewing lesson plan and giving feedback
Files: Rs: 300
Formats: Rs: 300

1 Period for meeting.
2 hrs.

Incorporate one activity for students’ critical thinking or inquiry in each lesson plan.
Each teacher.
Throughout the year.
Stationery, (Charts, Markers, worksheets etc.)
Charts:   Rs: 1000 (for entire year)
Markers:Rs:  500 (all activities)
Others:  Rs: 300
One research based homework in one subject every month.
Subject teacher at every grade level.
English – Aug, Jan
Maths – Sep, Feb
Science/S. Studies – Oct, Mar
Urdu/Islamiyat – Nov
Human resource, computer facility at home/other sources (newspaper, books, magazines etc.)
Teachers’ own resources and time.
Classroom observations with feedback.
Principal, vice Principal, Section In-charges
4 observations in a year
Phase I: Aug. Sep.
Phase II: Oct. – Nov.
Phase III: Jan. – Feb.
Phase IV: Mar.– Apr.
Observation Schedule & time.
100 Observation Tool copies.

20 minutes in each class.
Photocopies of observation tool. Rs: 200

Remarks: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Page 01)
Who will Do It?
By When
Estimated Cost
Goal 2: Nurture creativity and confidence in students
Provide opportunity to students through out the year to display their creativity by participating in co-curricular activities planned with the help of club in-charges, and sports in-charge.
* Form;
Drama Club
Literary Club
Science Club in class X
* Assign one student and one teacher  In-charge.
1 class Teacher + Er, Ra R. Ra. K.

August 2008
Human Resource, 1 period allocation,
4 teachers.
1 period.
Drama Club Activity
Club + In-charges
September 2008
Mic system, seating & stage arrangement, 1 period allocation
Rs: 1000
1 period

Science Club Activity
Club + In-charges
January, 2009
Stationery, Other resources depending on activity, teachers’/students’ time.
Rs: 1000
3-4  periods
Literary Club Activity
Club + In-charges
April 2009
Mic System, seating & stage arrangement, 1 period allocation
Rs: 1000
2 periods
One day kingdom.
Ms. Se, Hi.
One day before winter vacation
Human Resources, Planning and ask allocation schedule, 1 day allocation
25 students of class X
2 Teachers
1 school day
Sports Week
All Teachers + Sports Committee
February 2009
Stadium, Sports equipment, transportation (outsourced).
Out sourced through sports teacher
(No monetary cost to school)
* Hire a Tae-Kwando teacher
* Tae-Kwando classes for I – V (girls + Boys) VI – X (boys only)

August 2008

Once every week

Space (Public Park, 1 Period allocation)
Rs: 10,000

No cost to school

Remarks: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Who will Do It?
By When
Estimated Cost
Goal 3: Enhance Professional development of teachers
To expose teachers to new  teaching methodology and reflective practice in next academic year
Quarterly in-school workshops for all teachers on 1st  Saturday: (topics identified)
* Lesson Planning

Ms. Gha.

1st week of Aug. 2008

Classroom/school, charts/markers, refreshment.
Stationery (purchased)
Refreshment: Rs: 500
* Activity based teaching.

Ms. She.
1st week of Nov. 2008
Classroom/school, charts/markers, refreshment.
Stationery (purchased)
Refreshment: Rs: 500
* Teachers Motivation
Madam Ati
1st Week of Feb. 2009
Classroom/school, charts/markers, refreshment.
Stationery (purchased)
Refreshment: Rs: 500
* Reflective Practices.
Ext. Facilitator
1st Week of April/May 2008
Classroom/school, charts/markers, refreshment, pay to external expert.
Stationery (purchased)
Refreshment: Rs: 500
External Expert: Rs: 2000
Writing reflective memos in their diaries and submit for feedback to Principal
Give feedback on these memos.
All teachers.

Every Friday

25 diaries/Ex-books
Diaries: Rs: 1000

Remarks: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Who will Do It?
By When
Estimated Cost
Goal 4: Increase management effectiveness
Delegate leadership responsibilities among 3 teachers on yearly rotational basis from August 2008 to July 2009
* 3 teachers assigned as section heads for:
* Appoint a new teacher.
Principal & Vice Principal
August 2008
Time Resources – Decrease work load (1 period each week) of section heads.

1 period each week.

Salary: Rs: 3000
Prepare a formal policy document for the school August 2008.
2 meetings of management and teachers to identify and formulate clear rules and regulations for school. (Policy guide lines for students and staff).
Management, Principal, Vice Principal and Teacher representative
July - August 2008
Samples/Specimens, Human Resource, stationery for documentation,
Stationery & Refreshment: Rs: 500

Print a formal document for reference.
Management, Principal
September 2008
Printing Cost.
Printing (5 copies): Rs: 500

Remarks: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Page 04)
Who will Do It?
By When
Estimated Cost
Goal 5: Improve existing facilities in the school
Establish library for students to provide reading facilities by September 2008.
Purchase furniture
* One table
* 6-8 chairs
* Three wall shelves.
* Floor seating:
       Carpet (10’x 12’)
       Cushions (8 – 10)
Management, Principal, Accountant
July, 2008
Finance, Transportation outsource, Labor Charges (Carpenter) and staff support
Wood, Cushions, Carpet.,
Table: Rs: 500
Chairs: Rs: 2000
Wood: Rs: 3000
Carpenter: Rs: 1000
Transportation: Rs: 300
Carpet: Rs: 5000
Cushions: Rs: 1000
Support Staff time:

Prepare a list of existing books in the school.
Ms. Amb
August,  2008
Time, 1 Staff member.
2 Hrs.
Assign 2 teachers for cataloging and setting up.
2 teachers.
August, 2008
2 teachers + 1 support staff, Time
4 Hrs (one school day)
2 Staff members.
Assign library periods in the class timetable of students from KG – X.
Vice Principal
September 2008
1 period per week, one teacher  to be assigned
All class teachers – 1 period each.
Provide a room for indoor games to compensate for outdoor physical education activities by August 2008.
Make a partition in Library room.
(Out sourcing carpenter)
August – September 2008
Labor Charges, Time
Ply boards: Rs: 1000
Laboring:  Rs: 300
Support Staff.
Table Tennis (01)
Carom Board (02)
Ludo + Chess games (04)
Management, Principal, Vice Principal, Accountant
September – October 2008
Finance, time, Labor, out-sourced transport, support staff.
Table: Rs: 6000 - 8000
Rackets & Balls.  Rs: 350
Carom Board: Rs: 500
Ludo & Chess: Rs: 300

Up grade computer lab by adding two new computers and repairing existing ones by August 2008.
Acquire quotations for PIV computers and purchase 2 computers.
Management Principal + Computer Instructor
July, 2008
Telephone calls, letters, finance
Telephone, Letters: 100
Computers: Rs: 30000
Transportation: 300
Discard/Repair out-of-order computers.
Vice Principal, Computer Instructor
July, 2008
computer expert (out sourced), service charges
Maintenance: Rs: 1000
Purchase posters related to Computers.
Computer Instructor
August, 2008
Posters: Rs: 200
(Page 05)

1. enhance teachers professional development

Initiate reflection writing among all teachers
Workshop on reflective practices – improve on current reflective practice

Develop teachers professional / pedagogical skills through workshops and trainings
·                     Utilize in-house capacity to share professional practices through quarterly in house workshops
·                     Section heads to identify training opportunities outside school
Invite experts to deliver workshops.
Send at least 2 teachers to attend work shops outside school and share learning with peers
Invest in at least 1 teacher to take up professional qualification course to develop a PDT for the school

Improve teaching practices
To begin formal creative lesson planning
·    Introduce regular lesson planning for each subject
·    Encourage innovative teaching strategies
·    Develop a resource room for teachers activity based learning/ group work
Improve collaboration among peers through peer coaching class observation and feedback

Develop a resource room for teachers

Provide opportunities to students to demonstrate their skills and talents

Give leadership roles to senior students(X grade) and involve all students in activities to demonstrate their talents through club formation and other activities
Begin taekwondo classes for students from classes 1 to 6
Have an annual sports week

Display students work in corridors and school offices Participate in interschool competitions
Display students work through exhibitions

Increase management effectiveness

Prepare a formal policy document for the school.
Delegation of leadership roles to 3 teachers as section heads and 3 teachers as club incharges with 3 students.
Identify training programs for professional development of members in the management team.
Management team to identify feasibility of letting out building premises/ sports room to generate additional funds.
Principal and vice principal to attend atleast 2 workshops related to management, in a year

Increase parental involvement

Parents to be regularly informed on school activities through circulars
Parents to be invited to all programs of the school.

Initiate parental participation in school activities
Give recognition and appreciation  to parents through celebration of Parents’ day or Parents’ evening

Plan workshops for parents

Form a PTA
Opportunities for exposure to other institutions

Principal to contact and arrange 3  visits in a year, of students and teachers to programs in other schools
1 Teacher from each grade level to incorporate at least 1 field trip in a year in their lesson plan.

Interacting with the neighborhood  through 1 activity in a year          (mela or educational awareness campaigns)

Improve existing facilities in the school

  • a library
  • a room for indoor games
  • add two new computers to the computer lab by August

Upgrade th e computer lab further


Key area 01: Teachers’ Professional Development
In School workshops
1 External,
1 Ms.Se -Activity based teaching
1 Ms At/any teacher.
1 Ms Gh -Lesson planning
1st week of Aug. 08
1st week of Nov. 08
1st Week of Feb. 09
1st week of Apr/May. 08

Classroom/school, charts/marker, refreshment, pay to External expert.
Reflections/Ref. Journals
Principal, Vice Principal and Teachers.
Every Friday.
Reflective diaries.
Lesson Planning
All teachers.
August. 08
Files + format (Lesson plan tool)
Key area 02: Students:
Taekowondo Classes
Instructor (will be hired)
August. 08
Pay (Teacher/space)
Sports Week.
All teachers (Sports Committee)
Feb. 09
Stadium/Sports equipments, Transportation.
Clubs in class 9th
Class Teacher + Er, Ra R. Ra. K.
August 08
Human resources.
One day kingdom
Ms Sh, Hi.
One day before winter vacations
Human resource, planning and task allocation schedule
Competitions + Activities.
Teacher pairs to plan. (Club in-charges – one activity each club)
Aug. 08 – Jun. 09
Human resources and some samples. Resources required as per activity
Research Based Homework
All teachers.
Through out the Academic Year
Charts/markers, worksheets.
.Language Development.
All teachers.
Through out the Academic Year
Charts/markers, worksheets.
Key area 03: Management/Infrastructure
Policy Document
Ms Gha, Sir Ka, Ms At.
August. 08
Information, Human resources, printing finance.
Computers and Networking.
Sir Ka, Ms At.
For next 5 years – gradually 2 computers per year.
Computers (Financial resources)
Library/recreational hall.
Ms Gh, Sir Ka, Ms At.
Aug. – Sep. 08
Tables, Carom board, newspaper subscription, list of existing books, books for teachers.
Key area 04: Community.

Collaboration with other institutions
Ms. Gha.
On going process
Transportation, letters, contacts.

Opportunities for exposure to other institutions
To expose students and teachers of Grade VIII – X to at least 1 educational program in other schools in a year.
Contact and send letters to arrange 1 visit of each grade in a year.


Identify a group of students from: Grade VIII
Grade IX
Grade X

Students/teachers to share experiences in the assembly or plan similar activities with other members (clubs) of the school.

To support student learning through 1 field trip to other institutions related to their lessons for classes I – VII
Field trips:
Class 1 – III
Class IV –V
Class VI - VII

[1] Pseudonyms have been used.

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